"We were all artists as children. We need to study the chaos around us in order to turn it into something beautiful. Something sustainable. Something that remains".

Friday, April 9, 2010


Good Morning! 

Today Is  
"Friendship Postcard Friday"!!

My husband is having
knee surgery this morning! 
 His second one in fours years--
say a little prayer!
  I didn't have time to use
 the postcards that I wanted
 to share with you today!!
  I will try to share them
with you next week! 

Here is my Postcard for today:

Miss Penelope Peahen
 and her pretty pal,
Mr. Percival Peacock!

You can't help but notice
the stuffed peacock that is standing
next to the lady in the postcard!!

She is attractive in her
lovely peach dress
with the dark orange accents,
 sash and beret...
  I think the most  fascinating part
of this postcard is the  peacock!
The tail feathers or "fan" looks to be
 at least four to five feet tall and
are spread so beautifully against
the back of the wall!

How does the bird support the
weight of the awesome feathers?
The taxidermist must have constructed
the bird with enough weight to keep
the body and feathers in tact--or the
photographer nailed the feathers to the wall!!
(Just Kidding)!!

  This is a photo of an
Blue Indian Peacock
 courting a Peahen!
Look at his gorgeous
 "fan" and tail span! 

Some Fascinating Facts:

The tail of the Peacock is 7 feet long and has
at last 80 feathers which take 3 years to
grow completely out from the tail feathers!

The Peacock seen in the postcard is
the Green Peafowl which breeds
from Burma east to Java.

The IUCN lists the Green Peafowl as
vulnerable to extinction due to hunting
and a reduction in extent
 and quality of habitat.

Have a great Friendship Postcard Day!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

So Artful Challenge and Free Renaissance Clip Art



    This week at So Artful Challenge
          is a frame instead of a theme! 
 The frame has that Romantic Renaissance
          look that I absolutely adore! 

*Isn't He Beautiful!! 

I found my John William Waterhouse
painting of  Tristan and Isolde and
used it along with some clip art that
 have stored on Picasa. It took
about 15 minutes to do this
and when I finished, I was
rather shocked and pleased
with the results!   

No glue, no paper, only precision
(a bit nerve-racking)and pressing the
 right buttons to achieve what I
 wanted the art piece to look like! 

 I don't have Digital Photoshop!
I have learned to switch back and forth
from one photo editor to another
 to get a few digital results.

So a little hint...
if you love that beautiful digital look
that everyone is using these days
 to create wonderful art...
but are intimidated by
the Photoshop techniques and the price...
 Learn how to use your Picasa,
Luna Pics, Paint.net, and the
Paint Editor features that is already
 installed in your computer's program!

 You can get lots of practice with these
 "free editors" before you take the plunge
and purchase a Digital Photoshop Package! 

Someday...I do plan to invest in a digital program
 and want to learn the awesome digi-art "tricks"
   until then, I'm limited but still learning!

A great blog that  has a list of the
Free Photo Editors and great tutorials
on how to use them is the
 Paisley Cat Scraps
Free Blog Layouts Blog site!!

 Everything I  know so far about "digi tech",
I learned from the Wonderful Paisley Cat!!
Click here to visit her site for the
free info and a whole lot more:
PaisleyCat Blog Design


I don't know what it is about the Renaissance Era
but Romance, Chivalry, Brave Knights 
on White Steads, Stone Castles,
and  Hearts Won and Love Lost,
Immediately comes to mind...
I just can't resist this Romantic Renaissance Era!

Even though I know realistically
(sorry-- to ruin it for you)
that none of us would want to live
 in that era for love or money!!
 But it's nice to think of the Renaissance
 as a lovely romantic world, is it?

Free Renaissance
Clip Art

Rules First!
This is a free gift from me to you and  
only to be used for personal
art projects only!

Please do not combine any of these
 images in a collage for
commercial purposes or profit!!

Most of this clip art came from
 my Dover Free Clips File!
The link is here:

I made these buttons from this clip! 
 You may use them on for your blog!

Stained Glass Windows

***Courtesy of Dover Free Clip Art

Backgrounds that I have used in my own art work!
I have tinted them in different colors for
various projects that I was working on!
 Please feel free to  use them  for your art work!

I designed these backgrounds all by myself!
I haven't used them yet but you are free to
 take them and use them for your projects!

Letters for you to use!

Even Romantic Cards !

Thank you and have a wonderful Easter! 

I will be posting  Easter clip art
at my other blog site:

If you are interested, please go
over and take a peek on
 Saturday , April 3
 Sunday,  April 4 
to receive the free "pretties"
that I have posted for you!

The image of Tristan and Isolde is
 in Public Domain  and therefore a free image
for you to use in your art work!.
Courtesy of  Wikipedia--the link is here:

Dear friends, thanks so much for visiting my art blog!

Dear friends, thanks so much for visiting my art blog!